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March 2007 - January 2012

Bachelor's studies, Pedagogy in spanish

At University of Concepción. Dissertation: "Analysis of a weakening process of the phonemes of /p, t, k/ and /b, d, g/ series in a sample of low socio-cultural speech"

March 2013 - April 2015

Master in Applied Linguistics, minor in Speech Sciences

At University of Concepción. Dissertation: "Articulatory and acoustic characterization, in the context of a weakening process, of allophonic realizations of /j, w, ɣ, ʐ, v, ð/ in the chedungún spoken in Alto Bío-Bío"

September 2017 - 2018

Master in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language

At Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language. Dissertation: "READTUNING: The impact of literacy on phonological representations in bilingual adults".

September 2019 -

Ph.D. Student

At the School of Psychological Sciences of the University of Bristol. Conducting a project on speech perception of non-native accent (until September 2023).

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